How To Call 911: When Reporting An Emergency

Call 911

911 is a very easy and helpful number and knowing how to use it is a life-saving skill that everyone should have because it could be a matter of life and death. 

So, if you are calling 911 you should keep patience because there’s a staff shortage in the major metropolitan cities because of ongoing budget cuts. In the major metropolitan cities, the average waiting time is around 20 min. 

You can simply dial 911 or emergency call then you will be connected to the staff. You just have to tell them about your situation and location. However, in some selected areas, 911 launched its text service where you can simply text 911 about your emergency. 

You can use your Amazon Alexa, Siri, Google, or any other voice assistant to call 911. The major advantage is you can call 911 without paying or recharging your phone bill. The only problem is if you get disconnected then the call center has no way to call you back.

911 should be called in:- 

  • Excessive cuts and bleeding
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Signs of heart stroke or intense chest pains
  • Seizures and loss of consciousness.
  • Severe difficulty in breathing
  • Choking
  • Drug overuse
  • The condition is life or limb-threatening
  • Fire (whether it’s your home, business place, car, other building or dry brush or wildfire)
  • Hearing Shooting sounds
  • Drowning like accidents
  • Severe burn case
  • Poisoning 
  • Home invasion, burglary, or robbery 
  • Fight or incident by using a deadly weapon
  • Serious car accidents 

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