Is Paper A Good Career Path?

paper path

Paper is a very useful material for supply. It can be used for fulfilling the various purposes of life either for personal/professional use. The paper industry that produces pulp and paper products, provides people with a wide range of career opportunities. 

In this article, I will be discussing whether is paper a good career path for you. Keep reading till the end to find out more information on the same!

Here is a list of some of the popular jobs that you can opt for in the paper industry:

Production Operator

These operators work on the assembly lines in a paper factory for inspecting pulp and paper products. They are also responsible for calibrating the line machine before the start of production and also for assessing their performance during the process. 

They perform this along with monitoring the performance of the machine and controlling the settings of machines. 

Production Worker

A production worker works on the production line and assists with the manufacturing of pulp and paper products. They are also responsible for operating machinery, maintaining a clean floor for production, and so on. 

These people are also responsible for finalizing the packaging of various pulp and paper products. 

Machine Operator

A machine operator works in installing, operating, and inspecting the computer-operated, and mechanical parts of the machinery, for manufacturing. They do this alongside performing routine checks so that the equipment is up to the safety standards for production. 

Screen Printer

These are professionals who mainly operate the printers and also work in overseeing the process of serigraphy. As per the specifications of the clients, they work in developing patterns, stencils and designs meant for screen printing. 

Screen Printers also estimate the time and the quantity of required ink for the size of the screen. 

Keep reading till the end to find out more information on “Is paper a good career path”?


The primary responsibilities of a printer include the creation of print designs – required as per the specifications of the client. Their work also includes the selection of appropriate methods of printing so that they meet the needs of the clients. 

Press Operator

A press operator is mainly in charge of operating the printing press to produce mass-printed materials. First, they set up and then prepare and calibrate for maintaining the machinery and equipment for printing. 

They also strictly follow the instructions of the client to develop the plates of printing. They ensure that the printed materials are meeting the requirements of the clients.

Print Manager

The Print Manager works in supervises the printing processes. They also see to it that the quality of the printed products is maintained by operational standards. The professionals work in maintaining staff, organizing work schedules, and setting up project budgets.

During the process, they identify and then rectify the errors with suitable improvements. They also have to ensure the availability of the toners, papers, and inks. 

Print Technician

A print technician is known to work in an industrial setting of a printing press. They calibrate the printers as per the specifications of the clients. They have to manage the equipment as well. 

These people may use lithography, flexography, offset printing, or screen printing as well. 

After the printing work is done, they then collect the pages and send them for further processing. 

Cons Of The Paper Manufacturing Industry

Even though working in the paper industry might seem like a great industry to work in, you need to be aware of the threats that it poses as well. 

Here is a list of some of the cons of the paper manufacturing industry that pose a threat to the natural environment:

Water Use

The manufacturing process of paper requires a vast amount of water. It is used for cooling, washing, bleaching, and pulping of paper. The amount of water that gets used in this industry puts pressure on freshwater resources


This is another one of the cons of paper manufacturing. To produce paper, the trees are cut down. Mass-scale deforestation occurs and then threatens the habitat of the earth’s natural wildlife ecosystem. 

It also leads to soil erosion, biodiversity loss, and an increased rate of emissions from the greenhouse. 

Keep reading till the end to find out more about whether is paper a good career path!

Energy Use

The process of manufacturing paper is also a very energy-intensive process that requires large amounts of heat and energy. The energy used in the process of manufacturing comes from a wide variety of sources. 

These amounts of high energy also result in much higher costs of production for the manufacturing industry of papers. 

Chemical Use

The use of different chemicals in the paper manufacturing industry is yet another con that is faced by the industry. The chemicals are used for the whole duration of the process – and that includes all the steps – sizing, pulping, and bleaching. 

A majority of the used chemicals have negative impacts on the environment. It leads to the deterioration of the quality of water, air, and soil as well. 

After determining all of these posed threats to the environment, you can determine for yourself – is paper a good career path.

To Wrap It Up!

You can most certainly opt for the jobs that are there in this particular industry but you also need to be aware of the harms that it poses. That was all for information regarding the question “Is paper a good career path?”. 

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful. 

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